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Free MRCP Part 1 Questions

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Based on themes from previous exam sittings, we have put together a free past paper made of 100 questions to help you prepare for your upcoming MRCP Part 1 exam. These questions are not only representative of what has come up in the previous exams but are also written to closely match the style of what you will experience on the day. To try out this free MRCP Part 1 past paper, click the start test button above!

MRCP Part 1 is a written exam taken by doctors who have completed a minimum of 12 months of postgraduate medical experience. This includes both UK-trained doctors and international medical graduates (IMGs). It is the first exam on the journey towards the MRCP (UK) Diploma which is a post-graduate diploma designed to test the skills, knowledge, and behaviours of a doctor who wishes to undergo medical speciality training in the United Kingdom.

Click here to sign up to our MRCP Part 1 and MRCP Part 2 question banks or PACES online videos.

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