MSRA Question Bank
The MSRA is an incredibly important exam that heavily influences where you get selected for training. Our team of specialists and recent test-takers have worked together to develop the closest questions to help you score highly and excel in your medical career.
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MSRA Question Bank
MSRA Practice questions following past Exam Themes
2,300 MSRA Questions
Full coverage of both Clinical Problem Solving (CPS) and Professional Dilemmas (PD) papers with detailed explanations for each question.
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Practical Guide to MSRA exam questions
our users say
The questions in the professional dilemmas were heavily matched to the exam, which was great as it enabled me to have a high score
🇬🇧 MSRA User
Frequently Asked Questions
The Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) is an important part of the application process for medical specialty training in the United Kingdom. It is a computer-based assessment designed to evaluate the abilities, professional judgment, and aptitude of doctors applying for specialty training. The MSRA is used across various specialties to ensure candidates possess the necessary skills and knowledge for specialty training.
The MSRA consists of two parts: a Clinical Problem Solving (CPS) section and a Professional Dilemma (PD) section. The CPS part assesses clinical knowledge and application skills, including diagnosis, investigation, management, and emergency treatment. The PD section evaluates candidates on situational judgment, focusing on professional attributes such as empathy, integrity, and teamwork. Both sections are in a multiple-choice format and are conducted electronically at designated test centers.
Candidates can apply for the MSRA as part of their application for medical specialty training. Applications are typically made through the Oriel system, which is the UK's portal for medical training applications. Eligible candidates will receive detailed information on the application process, including how to register for the MSRA, through the system. It's important for candidates to check the eligibility criteria and deadlines for their chosen specialty to ensure a smooth application process.
Preparation for the MSRA involves a thorough understanding of clinical concepts and the ability to apply these in practical scenarios. Candidates may find it useful to review clinical guidelines, medical textbooks, and practice situational judgment test scenarios. Online resources including practice papers specifically designed for the MSRA can also be beneficial. It's advisable to start preparing well in advance of the assessment date.
The MSRA is scored based on the number of correct answers in both the CPS and PD sections. There is no negative marking. The results are used by training programs to shortlist candidates for interviews or direct offers, depending on the specialty. Candidates can access their scores through the Oriel system, and it is important to understand how the scores are used in the selection process for their chosen specialty.
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